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tax planning

Why You Should Buy Real Estate for Your Small Business

When we set out to start or buy a business, our minds are often preoccupied with finding customers, building a team, and scaling growth. Little did...

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Learn about the backdoor Roth IRA, a powerful retirement savings strategy for high earners.

Backdoor Roth IRAs: The Hidden Retirement Tool

In the ever-evolving world of finance, there are always new techniques and strategies emerging to help individuals save for their retirement. One...

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Pass through entity taxation cans save business owners thousands.

Understanding Pass-Through Entity Taxation: Save Thousands in Taxes

Pass-through entity taxation is a concept that might sound complex at first, but it's actually a game-changer for small business owners. In this...

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Make the Most of End of Year Bonuses for Your Employees

Make the Most of End of Year Bonuses for Your Employees

Year-end planning is focused on reducing taxable profit. One popular way to reward employees and mitigate taxes is by issuing year-end bonuses. ...

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Maximizing Depreciation for the Best Tax Position

Maximizing Depreciation for the Best Tax Position

When it comes to maximizing depreciation deductions before the end of the year, timing is critical. It's important to start thinking about this well...

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Differentiating between good and bad debt can help you make informed decisions to safeguard your financial health.

Managing, Reducing and Controlling Debt

Debt can be a double-edged sword when it comes to its impact on a business. It has the potential to either propel a company towards success or plunge...

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Itemizing and strategic planning are key for maximizing tax benefits of charitable donations.

How Charitable Donations Impact Tax Deductions

When it comes to charitable donations, there are various ways businesses can approach it. One common question is about providing services to...

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IRS announces new income tax brackets for 2024

IRS announces new income tax brackets for 2024

It might seem like a long way off, but where tax planning is concerned, earlier is better. To help us get a get a jump on our tax planning for 2024,...

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