The Kaizen Team

Author profile for The Kaizen Team of Kaizen CPAs + Advisors. On this page you can see all the blog posts that The Kaizen Team have written.

Kaizen CPAs team members celebrate their participation in VISION Hi-Tech Training & Expo 2024.

KAIZEN CPAs Attends VISION Hi-Tech Training & Expo

We had an amazing time at this year's VISION Hi-Tech Training & Expo, an event for Automotive Professionals! Our team had the opportunity to connect...

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IRS announces new income tax brackets for 2024

IRS announces new income tax brackets for 2024

It might seem like a long way off, but where tax planning is concerned, earlier is better. To help us get a get a jump on our tax planning for 2024,...

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Maintaining accurate business records is crucial for maximizing deductions.

Denied Deductions for Inadequate Business Records

In order to claim a deduction, the federal tax law requires that you provide evidence for a trade or business expense. This means you must show the...

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Strategies for Small Business Sustainability

Strategies for Small Business Sustainability

In the realm of business ownership, the perennial questions of "What can I deduct?" and "How can I save money?" reverberate through boardrooms and...

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Hiring: Employee or Independent Contractor?

Hiring an Employee vs Hiring an Independent Contractor: What a CPA wants you to know

Hiring an employee or an independent contractor isn’t as simple as you’d think. In fact, there are real world implications for misclassifying a...

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Avoid common accounting mistakes and take control of your small business.

Top 3 Small Business Accounting Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

Small business accounting mistakes happen, but they happen more often when you don’t have an accountant. Those mistakes are often why we’re coming in...

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Is it the right time to change your accountant?

Why now might be the right time to change your accountant

Changing your accountant might not be the first thing on your mind during the summer. We get it, there are BBQs to go to, vacations to take, and life...

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Discover the difference between bookkeeping and advisory services for your small business accounting needs.

Bookkeeping vs Advisory Services

For the most part, a tax return or a financial statement will look similar no matter who prepares it. That’s not to say that bookkeeping isn’t...

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The 5 Best Business Books Every Small Business Owner Should Read: 2023

The 5 Best Business Books Every Small Business Owner Should Read: 2023

In his book The E-Myth, Michael Gerber says, “You need to work on your business, not ‘in’ your business?” The general idea is that you need systems...

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Can I afford an accountant for my small business?

How can I afford to pay for an accountant or CPA firm?

Running a small business is hard work, you need a team of folks in your corner – and at the top of that list should probably be an accountant. We say...

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3 mistakes small business owners make and you can avoid

The 3 Biggest Mistakes We See Small Businesses Make

Running a small business means that, as the owner, you’re wearing a ton of different hats. Things can fall through the cracks. It’s OK, that can...

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AI in the workplace

How will AI replace my CPA?

2023 is the year of AI. From ChatGPT to Midjourney, it’s rapidly becoming apparent that artificial intelligence will integrate into nearly every...

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